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Welcome to Beaver Church!
Worship materials and videos… click here
Videos of past services – click here
Wednesday on–line fellowship… monthly @7:00 PM via Zoom
Worship with BUCC on–line – click here

Beaver UCC

We are a community of caring individuals brought together by a common bond – love!

Our congregation is composed of people from all walks of life who come together to offer healing and comfort, learning and encouragement - much like a family. We welcome all, and believe that extravagant hospitality is central to the role of our church.

At Beaver UCC, we strive to help our members grow spiritually, while at the same time understanding that everyone has their own spiritual path. Our church is a place where you can think for yourself while differing views are respected. It is our hope that through education, fellowship, and service we can, as a community, come closer to God and each other.

Since our founding over 200 years ago, Beaver Church continues seeking to offer an atmosphere of informality, spontaneity, fellowship, and fun. We hope our Church is a place where you and all will feel both welcome and comfortable.
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About Our Church

Sunday School Program

Meets: Upstairs each Sunday after the children’s moment, year round.
Main Teacher: Hayden Rauls
Ages: Infant through Pre-K
This class is for our youngest students and there will be a combination of play and some instruction depending on the ages present.

Young Learners
Meets: Upstairs each Sunday after the children’s moment, September through May, with a one month break around Christmas.
Main Teacher: Sarah Hogan
Ages: K through 4th grade
This class is for our younger learners and will be focused on instruction and lessons. Material will be taught from a children’s story type Bible. Children less comfortable with working on lessons might wish to stay in the nursery, and those that are more advanced might wish to go to the older class.

Children’s Bible Study
Meets: Upstairs each Sunday after the children’s moment, September through May, with a one month break around Christmas.
Main Teacher: Brittany King
Ages: 4th through 8th grade
This class will be a Bible and faith study where children will read scripture lessons from the Bible each week and study them. Children will also learn about Christian faith themes present in the topics and readings for the week. Readings should somewhat overlap with the readings given in the service. As children reach the point where the curriculum or discussions seem less challenging, then they are encouraged to stay in service, attend the Adult Bible Study, and seek confirmation with the Pastor when ready. During breaks, children will be asked to stay in service.

Adult Bible Study
Meets: In the fellowship hall each Sunday at 9:30 AM, September through May.
Main Teacher: Pastor Brian
Ages: Youth and Adults
This class will be a Bible and faith study each week led by Pastor Brian. Jr. High and Sr. High youth and Adults are encouraged to attend.

Services Provided by Beaver UCC

Prayer List and Card Ministry
Do you know someone who would appreciate our prayers, receiving a card from us, or having Pastor Brian visit with them? Please let us know. The Prayer List and Card Ministry will never be published on our website, although it will be included in our monthly newsletter.

Beaver UCC offers wedding services including space rental, pre-marital counseling, and officiating for both members and non-members. Please contact the pastor for more information.

Our church offers support in any way we can to assist those who are grieving the passing of a loved one. Funerals are generally held in the sanctuary and a meal is provided by the church afterwards.

Confirmation Classes
Confirmation classes are held each year for teenagers who wish to join the church and know more about their faith. Classes generally start in September and culminate with confirmation in May.

The church offers pastoral counseling for members and non-members. Please see the Pastor’s Page for information on office hours.

Beaver Church is wheelchair accessible with elevators. Sound reinforcement devices are available for the hard of hearing as are signers for the deaf. Please let us know if you have any special needs.

Beaver UCC Choir

Beaver Church Sings!
Music is an important component of worship at Beaver Church, one that lifts our spirits and helps us rejoice in God and with each other. Everyone is invited to participate in Beaver UCC’s choir - all you need is an appreciation of music and a desire to learn. We also encourage any and all musicians who wish to share their talents with us during worship. If you would like to join the Beaver Church Choir or provide accompanying instrumental support during a service, please contact our choir director or Pastor Brian.

Adult Choir
Beaver UCC’s Adult Choir provides music for each worship service from September through May, plus a special service on Christmas Eve. Practices are held following Sunday Worship in the church sanctuary.

Community Service and Support

Service is just as important to Beaver Church as fellowship.

Weekly contributions of food and clothing are taken to local food pantries and service organizations for those in need. Volunteers plan special activities for residents of nursing homes, while the congregation as a whole makes Christmas brighter for folks by sponsoring food and gift drives each holiday season.

Members of our congregation also support a variety of other charitable causes with time, money, and in-kind donations, including
Heifer International, the Dayton Food Bank, the Salvation Army, and the Connor Puckett Fund.

The United Church of Christ

The religious heritage of the
United Church of Christ (UCC) stems from the great traditions of the Protestant Reformation - Lutheran, Calvinist, and Congregational. These traditions were brought to America by Protestants fleeing persecution in Europe.

Four religious traditions, including the German Reformed, of which Beaver UCC was part, united in 1957 to become the United Church of Christ. Today, any local church or denomination is welcome to apply for membership in the UCC.

Beaver Church's services feature a combination of formal and informal worship. Our service includes communion on the first Sunday of the month, and all are welcome to participate.


Beaver Church's weekly worship service is held in our Sanctuary each Sunday at 10:30 AM. Find Beaver Church

Our 10:30 AM service is also offered on
Facebook Live, YouTube, and, for those who might wish to participate outdoors, is broadcast on 96.1 FM in our front parking lot.

The weekly bulletin (downloadable) and links to each Sunday's scripture, for your reference and study,
are available here as well as a link to the Sunday 10:30 AM service video for later viewing. Our on-line Calendar page also lists the current status of activities and events at our church.

Activities, Events, and News

Church News and Announcements are listed here as well as in our Beaver Church Newsletter available here each month.

Watch Past Worship Services
Videos of each week's service are available – click here. Sermons from past years are available on The Pastor's Page™.

Poinsettia Order Form - due by December 8
Our sanctuary will be made beautiful this Christmas season with the addition of poinsettia plants that you provide each year. These plants will be in the sanctuary through the Christmas Eve Service. At the conclusion of that service, take your plant with you to beautify your home. The cost is $15.00 each. Download Order Form here.

Hanging of The Greens - December 8
We will meet after church on December 8th and decorate the church for Christmas. This will, of course, involve putting the tree up, and any other decorations that we have, or people bring. Please stay to help after our lunch; many hands make quick work.

Book Study - Reconnected - Wednesdays - November 13 through December 11 - 7:00 PM
We will be starting a new book study on Wednesday nights at 7PM from November 13th through December 11th, and taking a break on November 27th. The book we are reading is Reconnected: How 7 Screen-Free Weeks with Monks and Amish Farmers Helped Me Recover the Lost Art of Being Human by Carlos Whittaker. This will be a hybrid book study, we will meet in person in the fellowship hall each Wednesday, and it will also be available online each Wednesday via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent out each Wednesday via the all-church email list. Pastor Brian has several copies of the book if you would like one. A bit about the book: “Like many of us, podcaster and author Carlos Whittaker had lived for years in an always-on, always-connected world—and he felt more disconnected than ever from God, his community, and even himself. When Carlos Whittaker realized how many hours he was on his phone, he took extreme measures to see how unplugging could change his body and soul. In Reconnected, Carlos shares the challenges, surprises, and profound insights of his self-imposed exile from technology, spending nearly two months screen-free at a monastery, an Amish farm, and at home.”
November 13th – Intro - Chapter 5
November 20th—Chapters 6-10
November 27th—Break
December 4th—Chapters 11-15
December 11th—Chapters 16-20

Christmas Season Services

Sunday December 15th: Choir & Bell Cantata, 10:30 AM
Our Choir & Bell Choir will perform a Cantata during our 10:30 Sunday service. We will have a Christmas party carry-in after the service.

Wednesday December 18th: Service of Remembrance, 7:00 PM
This year we will again be holding a special service to honor those who will not be with us this holiday season. The service will take place on Wednesday, December 18th at 7:00pm.

Sunday December 22nd: Impromptu Christmas Pageant, 10:30 AM
During our Sunday morning service on December 22nd, we will be having our impromptu Christmas pageant. We will have some hymns and other aspects of the usual Sunday service; however, the children will remain downstairs and the majority of the service will be the pageant. We will hand out parts to people, and there will be costumes available for anyone that wants them. It should be a bunch of fun and will help get everyone into the spirit of Christmas.

Tuesday December 24th: Christmas Eve Service, 7:00 PM
Please join us for our traditional Christmas Eve service at 7:00pm. Pastor Brian will offer a Christmas message, and we will sing your favorite traditional Christmas hymns. We will end with Silent Night by candlelight.

Christmas Hors d'oeuvres Carry-In - December 15
On Sunday December 15th we are going to have a second carry-in for the month of December. Instead of dishes we are asking that everyone bring a plate of hors d'oeuvres, little appetizers, to share with everyone. We will put them out and share all the appetizers and enjoy each other’s company as we celebrate the Cantata performance and the Christmas season.

Christmas Coat and Scarf Drive - through December 15
This year we will be collecting new coats, scarves, hats, and gloves for women and children to give to St. Vincent DePaul in Dayton to provide to people being provided care at their Gateway shelter for women and families. We will be collecting the items through Sunday December 15th and you can place these items in the cry/comfort room by the entrance to the sanctuary. St. Vincent DePaul’s Gateway shelter for women and families, provides care for over 200 women and children at a time.

Christmas Fund Offering - December 22
The last of our four denominational offerings is called the Christmas Fund, and we will be taking up that offering during service on December 22nd. This is a fund that helps retired clergy and other church employees who are in need, and like all the causes we give to, it is a worthy one.

Question Sunday - December 29

Our Sunday service on the 29th will be a “Question Sunday”. Pastor Brian will answer questions instead of a sermon.

Volunteer of The Year Award 2024
Thank you to everyone who volunteers at Beaver Church. Our church would not exist without the help of so many people. The voting has concluded for volunteer of the year on November 24th. There were votes for 9 different church members, however, there is one winner for this year, and that is Doug Goudy. Congratulations Doug, and thank you for all of your work over so many years. Again, thank you all for all the work that everyone has done this year and every year.

Cookie Walk Results - 2024
Thank you everyone who helped with this year’s cookie walk. From baking all of those cookies, to helping on the day of the event, it would not take place without all of the volunteers putting in the work. This year we sold bake sale goods and 164 boxes of cookies, which brought in $2,586.50 for the church’s ministries. Thank you again to everyone who helped with this event.

Covid Safety Reminders

For those that do not know, new Covid vaccines have been recently released that offer better protection of more recent strains of the virus. There are also new flu vaccinations available as well. For those that seek vaccination or wish to boost their current vaccination, now is a great time to do this. Everyone 6 months or older is eligible to receive a vaccine.

Beaver Church Food Pantry
Our outdoor food pantry is in the parking lot near the mailbox. It has been well received and utilized by the community. We need to keep it stocked with new non-perishable food. If you could, please think of buying some food items and placing them directly in the outdoor food pantry. If it is full or if you would prefer not to for some other reason, you can also place food items on the shelves located by the elevator in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you for your generosity to this program.

Kroger Card Rewards - Beaver Church Fundraiser
Beaver Church enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards fundraiser program in 2011. Since then, the church has received several thousand dollars in rebates. These rebates are earned by members and friends who sign up for Kroger Community Rewards and select Beaver Church as the beneficiary for their Kroger purchases. This is an easy way to donate to the church.
Here’s how to do it:
1. Get a Kroger Plus card, if you don’t have one already.
2. Create a digital account using the Kroger app on your smart phone, or the website online.
3. Link your Kroger Plus card to your digital account.
4. In the Community Rewards section, search for “Beaver United”. Click the “Enroll” button under “Beaver United Church of Christ.”
5. Once this is done, Kroger will automatically donate a small percentage of your purchases to the church, at no additional cost to you. Kroger sends a check to the church every few months. If you have trouble registering your card, see Alice Clausing after church, and she will help you set it up.

Beaver Church Beavercreek, Ohio