Watch Past Worship Services
Videos of each week's service are available – click here. Sermons from past years are available on The Pastor's Page™.
Church Choir and Bell Choir Starting - September 8 - after lunch
We will be starting choir rehearsals again on September 8th. Choir rehearsals are from 12:15pm to 1:00pm after our fellowship lunch. We will also be starting bell choir rehearsals again on September 15th. Bell choir rehearsals are from 9:15am to 10:00am before church each Sunday. All are invited to sing in the choir or play in the bell choir. If you are interested, please talk to Karen Barger. For those interested in the bell choir, please talk to Karen before September 15th if you can.
Rhett Lingenfelter’s Confirmation - September 8
Please join us on September 8th as we welcome Rhett into full membership in the church as he completes his confirmation process during the service.
Payton Project Golf Outing - September 20
The Payton Project golf outing on Friday September 20th, is a fundraiser for the Payton Project, a non-profit organization that helps address issues of bullying, mental health, and peer pressure in schools. It was started to honor Payton Freeze, a member of Mark’s family, who was sadly lost due to school bullying. The church will be sponsoring a hole and playing a foursome for the event. If you know of others that might be interested, or just want to attend the lunch, or would like to donate to the event, more information can be found here.
Confirmation Class Available
Each year in the fall I ask to see if there are any youth interested in confirmation. Confirmation is the act by which youth study their faith, and traditionally confirm the baptism they received as an infant, or receive adult baptism. We usually have classes that start in the fall and go through to the following summer. During confirmation youth are expected to remain in worship, complete monthly reading assignments, and meet for a class with me each month, either in person or virtually. The age when confirmation is appropriate varies by the individual. I would suggest no earlier than 6th grade, and certainly by 10th grade, youth would be more than ready. Anyone who is interested should contact me and we will try to have a class start in October or November.
Blessings, Pastor Brian
Beaver Church Food Pantry
Our outdoor food pantry is in the parking lot near the mailbox. It has been well received and utilized by the community. We need to keep it stocked with new non-perishable food. If you could, please think of buying some food items and placing them directly in the outdoor food pantry. If it is full or if you would prefer not to for some other reason, you can also place food items on the shelves located by the elevator in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you for your generosity to this program.
Chicken & Noodle Dinner - October 19
We will be having our next Chicken & Noodle dinner on Saturday, October 19th. Please save the date and look for more information to come out soon.
Cookie Walk Reminder - November 23
We will be holding our annual cookie walk again on Saturday November 23rd. This is just a reminder that we will need cookies and plenty of them. If you can, please start to make cookies and freeze them in anticipation for our November event. As we get closer to November, we will have signup sheets under the clock in the sanctuary so that we can get an estimate of how many cookies people are bringing and what types. The more unusual cookies are the ones that are often the most popular. Please help if you can: it is a fun and delicious way to support the church.
Kroger Card Rewards - Beaver Church Fundraiser
Beaver Church enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards fundraiser program in 2011. Since then, the church has received several thousand dollars in rebates. These rebates are earned by members and friends who sign up for Kroger Community Rewards and select Beaver Church as the beneficiary for their Kroger purchases. This is a painless way to donate to the church. Here’s how to do it:
1. Get a Kroger Plus card, if you don’t have one already.
2. Create a digital account using the Kroger app on your smart phone, or the website online.
3. Link your Kroger Plus card to your digital account.
4. In the Community Rewards section, search for “Beaver United”. Click the “Enroll” button under “Beaver United Church of Christ.”
5. Once this is done, Kroger will automatically donate a small percentage of your purchases to the church, at no additional cost to you. Kroger sends a check to the church every few months.
Already enrolled or not sure? Please confirm that you are still enrolled by checking your account information on the Kroger website.
Welcome to Beaver Church!
Worship materials and videos… click here
Videos of past services – click here
Wednesday on–line fellowship… monthly @7:00 PM via Zoom
Worship with BUCC on–line – click here